The Artist

Cody Choi – Director of Cody's Moving Group


                                      Dance Photographer / Choreographer / Dancer / Model 


As an Artist -

Cody’s photography journey started as he toured and danced the world with
Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake for 3 years. While on the road, he started capturing different places, theatres and fellow dancers on his camera. His main focus now lies on capturing thegraceful movements of dancers mid movement. 

Upcoming exhibition include - The Other Art Fair x Saatchi Art in New York 

​Cody has worked with Samsung TV and Ben Sherman in the past.
His exhibition history includes the , Affordable Art Fair in Hong Kong, Singapore
& London , The Other Art Fair exhibiting withs Saatchi Art in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, London and Bristol, The London Design Fair,  G&M Design Gallery Monaco with Imitate Modern, UIL restaurant @ Notting Hill London and, TaiPei101. , 

Cody has been invited by Imitate Modern to exhibit his work alongside by the amazing Hollywood photographer David LaChapelle and star photographer Tyler Shields. 
The artists work was also featured on various platforms such as; London
TV,  Samsung TV,  Time Out,  Aesthetica Magazine,  Metro Newspaper and The Evening Standard. 
He has also been interviewed and invited for a solo exhibition by the prestigious Camera Club, London,. one of the oldest camera club in the world. Furthermore , he is a winning photographer for The Place also for Leica Photo Contest. 


As a Dancer -

Cody graduated in Modern Dance from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing
Arts in 2000, where he received the Jackie Chan Scholarship twice. After this, he 
received a full scholarship to join the Transitions Dance Company at Laban in London.

Cody has extensive experience performing in an international setting, including 3 international touring seasons with Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake ( ) and, working with Arthur Pita at,- De Vlaamse Opera.
Further international working experience includes; The English National Opera, Royal National Theatre, Theatre-Rites, Future Cinema, American Dance Festival and the LondonChinese Culture Centre. He also has some on screen experience working as is also a feature dancer in the Hollywood film 47 Ronin - starring Keanu Reeves and Walking on Sunshine! with Leona Lewis. 

As a Choreographer - 

As an experienced professional choreographer whose work have been performed in the Linbury Theatre at the Royal Opera House, the BBC, Adidas,  Sony , LG,the  World Dance Alliance,  The Place and,  Greenwich Dance  in London. Internationally his work has been performed by the, Hong Kong Dance Alliance ,the China Dance Forward and other major venues across Europe and Asia.
Cody’s work has been funded by the Arts Council England, commissioned by the Royal Opera House, the Greenwich Dance London and has toured across Europe.
He was also invited to be the panel judge for Big Dance organised by the Mayor of London, the Arts Council England and BBC. In 2008 Cody was invited to be one of the choreographers for the Asia Young Choreographers Project held in Taiwan.Subsequently he was invited back to Taiwan to hold a more permanent position as a teacher and choreographer.


As a Dance teacher - 

Cody has taught at Trinity Laban’s Youth Dance Company, at Kingston University, as well as Danceworks London, The Royal Music School, Dance City, The Big Dance and Springs Dance in the UK. In Asia, he was involved in teaching at Cirque Du Soleil inMacau, Tsoying High School and Tai Nan National Theatre in Taiwan, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation, City Contemporary Dance Centre  and Renaissance International School in Hong Kong.

​As a model –

Cody has been involved in campagnes for Carlsberg, Premier League, Head &
shoulders,. The body Shop, The British Museum, Virgin-atlantic, Sony, Ferrero
Rocher, Berkeley Homes, Du Telecom, Betfair, Mojo Poly, Tottenham Hotspur. He has also modeled with professional Football players such as super star Cristiano
Ronaldo and Gareth Bale.
Cody won the 2nd place in The World Chinese's Water Cube Singing Competition London (2018) and represented the UK to compete in Beijing (2018). He alsoand won the Best Online Popularity Singer Award (year).


蔡嘉樂    Cody Choi

二○○○年畢業於香港演藝學院,主修現代舞。在校時曾兩度榮獲成龍獎學金。其後更獲倫敦拉賓中心獎學金,赴倫敦加入過渡舞蹈團。他在國際舞壇有豐富的演出經驗,包括馬修‧伯恩的《天鵝湖》三個季度的世界巡迴演出,又曾參與比利時歌劇院、英國國家歌劇院、英國皇家國立劇院、美國舞蹈節、倫敦中國文化中心等的演出。曾合作的國際知名編舞家計有馬修‧伯恩、阿瑟‧皮塔、內維爾‧甘保、薩賈‧哈里、伯易‧沙克提等。自○二年起開始在英國編舞,作品曾由英國藝術協會贊助、英國皇家歌劇院委約,並為英國史賓斯舞蹈團於歐洲各地巡迴演出。他曾獲邀在英國全國舞蹈大會中擔任評判,該項活動由倫敦市長、英國藝術協會、英國廣播公司聯合主辦。 曾為香港舞蹈聯盟、香港青年藝術協會、倫敦拉賓青年舞蹈團、台灣左營高中 、及香港演藝學院編舞,而○八年他更獲邀參與台灣「亞洲青年編舞家計劃」、一二年中國舞蹈看前看

蔡嘉樂及黃天欣於2008年創辨Cody’s Moving Group. 舞團作品有  康樂及文化事務署主辦其作品《認真地,玩。》、《拼、舞休》、中國舞蹈看前看《藝術鬼》倫敦格林威冶舞蹈中心《掙》、倫敦The Place《The Fear Factor》。

香港無綫電視訪問香港有綫電視訪問 ,  Saatchi Art 訪問 

蔡氏的舞蹈攝影作品曾展覽的地方包括 -  紐約,洛杉磯,芝加哥,倫敦 with Saatchi Art x The Other Art Fair 。香港,新加坡,倫敦 with Affordable Art Fair 。三星電視 x Saatchi Art 在倫敦設計博覽會 。摩納哥,邁阿密和倫敦與模仿現代畫廊, 倫敦UIL餐廳, 香港舞蹈聯盟, 香港舞蹈手札。

蔡氏的舞蹈攝影作品出現於倫敦電視,三星電視Time OutAesthetica雜誌,Metro 報紙,Evening Standard報紙及不同的豪宅包括中,包括位於倫敦   海德公園區二千八百萬英鎊的毫宅, 前威爾斯王子的二千萬英鎊的毫宅, 美國邁阿密的新毫宅樓盤。

2012 演出劉德華UNFORGETTABLE 香港紅磡體育館一連20場跨年演唱會。

電影拍攝有 浪人47, 愈快樂,愈堕落, Walking on Sunshine, 奇異博士,

廣告拍攝有 - 金莎朱古力, 大英博物館維珍航空,  嘉仕伯啤酒, 英格蘭足球超級聯賽, The body ShopSonyDu Telecom電話, Betfair, 熱刺足球隊Head & shoulders洗頭水.  奧妙冼衣粉.

蔡氏亦和超級足球明星 C. 朗拿度 及 加里夫·巴利 合作拍廣告 

2018 在倫敦水立方杯歌唱比賽取得亞軍,並代表英國到北京參加全球華人水立方杯歌唱比賽, 並獲得最佳網上人氣奬, 並於倫敦不同節目表演 。